Havant Thicket Spring Camping (England Trip 1 - 12th April)
Hello everyone. I'd like to share with you a video I made of my first camping trip in this strange, increasingly warm but lovely rural part of the country called England. We went to a nice secluded spot at Havant Thicket. Joining me for company was my brother. This was his first camping trip and he enjoyed it very much. As for observing nature on this trip, when we were walking to locate our camping spot we saw two young deer leaping through the trees. That was very a great albeit brief moment. But what was really quite special, even though it only happened for a few minutes as well, we were visited by (and I'm going to get this wrong) two pheasants that came waddling down the slope. I've included the best video I could capture of what appears to be their performance of a courtship display. If anyone can identify what these might be that'd be great. It was nice to see buds opening and the young leaves making the woods green again too. In regard to Bushcraft the lighting of fires is no longer a problem at all, but I'm still working on fire maintenance. Cooking in the embers with the mess tins and making more elaborate meals was a nice change and it worked quite well. And, of course, as you can see at the end of the video I took extra care to scatter the ashes and hide it all away. A few hiccups here and there on this one day trip, but it was really good overall.
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